Ni hao
"AI is not a silver bullet. It's more like a sharp knife - it can be incredibly useful, but only in the right hands.
​- Fei-Fei Li, Computer Scientist
"One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world. " - Malala Yousafzai​
Business/Computer Science/Information Technology
App Development (iOS/Android)
AP Computer Science (Python/JavaScript)
Banking & Personal Finances
Business Management
Cyber-security Essentials
Digital Literacy Technologies
G-Suite Administration
HTML Web Design
Information Processing (Keyboarding and Word Processing combined)
Information Technologies
Introduction to Coding
Leadership Exploration & Development - LEAD
Microsoft (Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint)
Multimedia and Webpage Design
Principles of Business & Financial Managment
Mathematics (Standard, Honors or AP)
Elementary Mathematics
Middle Grades Mathematics
Algebra 1 & 2
Probability and Statistics
Introduction to College Mathematics
Marketing Education
Introduction to Marketing
Consumer Behavior
Social Media Marketing
Digital Marketing
Internet Marketing
Marketing Research
Product Marketing
Retail Marketing
Sales Communications